Here Are The 3 Main Symptoms of Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a condition that not only affects your sleep, but affects many other areas of your life. It can cause multiple daytime symptoms that can get in the way of your everyday life, as well as increase the risk of serious health conditions such as stroke, cardiovascular issues, and obesity. If you’re wondering whether you have sleep apnea and need treatment, there are three main signals to look out for. Keep reading to learn the three main symptoms of sleep apnea and what to do if you think you have it.
If we could pick one hallmark symptom of sleep apnea, snoring would be it. If your family or partner constantly complains about your snoring, you wake up with a dry mouth a lot, or you’re suffering from headaches, chances are pretty good that your snoring is much more than just an annoying habit.
Is snoring really that bad?
The answer is: Yes.
Snoring is a sound caused by the vibration of tissues in your mouth, nose, and throat. The muscles supporting these tissues become relaxed as you sleep, so air moving through to the lungs causes the tissues to vibrate, producing the sound of snoring.
If your airway narrows, the speed of airflow over these tissues increases, which can cause more vibration and snoring. As a result, snoring is more likely if airflow through your nose or throat becomes partially blocked during sleep.
Frequent Awakenings at Night
Do you wake up a lot in the middle of the night, especially to use the restroom? This is not normal; it is likely a sign of sleep apnea. According to the Sleep Foundation, OSA repeatedly reduces airflow and oxygen levels during sleep and influences hormones in a way that increases urine production. On top of that, people with OSA have frequent sleep interruptions, so they are more likely to notice the need to urinate. Nocturia occurs in around 50% of people with OSA.
Excessive Daytime Sleepiness
Always grabbing coffee, struggling to stay awake during the day, constantly yawning, or needing a nap every day? You’re experiencing excessive daytime sleepiness, which is a dangerous symptom of sleep apnea.
Excessive daytime sleepiness can cause issues with operating a motor vehicle, memory retention, focus, and much more. You may start to see negative impacts at work or school, and you’re putting yourself at an increased risk of dementia.
Sleep Apnea Treatment Information
If you feel as if you may have sleep apnea, it is important to get a sleep test and obtain a diagnosis as soon as possible from your doctor. Once you receive this, come see a sleep apnea treatment specialist, such as Advanced Sleep and TMJ Solutions.
Rather than hook you up to a CPAP for a lifetime, we have a more natural and effective way of treating sleep apnea, called The Vivos Method, that could take as little as 12 months.
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