How TMJ Changes the Way You Look

Can TMJ Change The Way You Look?

TMJ is a difficult, painful condition that is challenging to treat. Everyone has different levels of pain severity, root causes, symptoms, and treatment solutions. It can cause a host of issues, such as difficulty eating, difficulty sleeping, and even change the way you look....
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What Are the 3 Types of TMJ?

The Three Types of TMJ

TMJ is a difficult disorder to overcome. Everyone who suffers from it has different root causes, experiences, pain levels, symptoms, and much more. Luckily, there are ways to treat TMJ and go back to living a normal life without jaw pain and stiffness. The first step...
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How OSA and Lung Cancer Connect

The Link Between Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Lung Cancer

It’s no secret that obstructive sleep apnea (also known as OSA) is very disruptive to your overall health and can cause a number of health issues. One of the many health issues caused or exacerbated by OSA is lung cancer. If you...
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Negative Side Effects of CPAP Machines

CPAP Machines & Alternative Sleep Apnea Treatment

CPAP Machines are the most commonly prescribed treatment method for sleep apnea. However, they are not the best method for treating sleep apnea. They are essentially just a band-aid to help fix the symptoms of sleep apnea without actually treating it, and they can...
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